Not all Texas District Attorneys are up for re-election this year. Also, in some counties there is no competition, the race is uncontested.
Only the following Texas counties have a contested race for the office of District Attorney in November 2022: Bexar, Dallas, Galveston, Hays, Hidalgo, McLennan, Tarrant. We contacted all the candidates in contested elections for whom we could find viable contact information, multiple times, with multiple emails, and social media reachouts. If a candidate did not respond, Texas Justice Advocates urge voters to consider that the candidate's lack of response indicates an unwillingness to go on record about prison and criminal justice reform issues, if not an actual disregard for/dismissal of the concerns of reform advocates.
If you live in one of these counties and do not see your candidates listed, please research your local resources, or the Texas Secretary of State website and reach out to those candidates yourself. Ask them some of the questions from our DA survey and find out how they stand on issues of prison and criminal justice reform that are important to you.
Mr. Higgins would like to have a program of diversion for persons charged with Possession of Controlled Substances, as a means to deal with these issues in a way more helpful to the persons charged, less expensive for the state, and not contributing to the already over-crowded and deteriorating prison system.